Sunday, March 24, 2013

family dinner helps mental health

A new study shows a relationship between family dinners and a persons mental health. The study was conducted by staff at queens university on adolescents between the ages of 11 and 15 in canada. The results proved that every meal spent with your family positively effected the mental health of the child; the age, gender or family affluence did not effect the results. this experiment was conducted by giving a survey to 26,069 adolescents in 2010. this study is important because in a time of growing technology and the increasing desire to slip into a room and use electronic devices we should know that it is still helpful, even necessary, to spend an increased amount of time with your family.
The study measured mental health by having the survey takers submit 5 dimensions of different mental health indicators.  A possible reason for the result of the study is that when adolescents spend more time  interacting with family members there is more of a possibility for parents to teach their children positive skills and influence choices.

N.O.S. Themes

  • The role of curiosity because the professors had a desire to find the information
  • Science is collaborative. there were multiple people working on this study
  • Science is subject to debate and tentative. there are different reasons why the results happend the way they did.

1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting because I've been hearing this all of my life. I never really believed it because I couldn't understand how sitting at a table to eat could effect a person so much, but I realize now that its more of a way to build personal stability more than anything because it reaffirms the fact that your family is there for you and it also helps with your social skills because you're usually forced to talk to each other. I wonder what the effect would be if the families didn't talk to each other around the dinner table, or even had arguments.
