Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Life Found in the Depths of Antarctic Lake

Lake Whillans sits beneath 800 meters of ice in western Antarctica. On January 28, an American research team collected three samples of 10 liters each from the lake. The researchers found a surprising amount of live cells. From some of the first tests, the researchers determined that the cells use oxygen and are concentrated at about 10,000 cells per mL.They estimated that these microorganisms have lived in the this lake for over 100,000 years. In the coming months, the scientists will be able to determine exactly what kind of microbes these are. They know the results are not contaminated because the cell concentration was lower in the drill water.

 I think it is amazing that the technology is available to find things like this. It is cool that organisms are able to survive in such harsh environments. I hope this will lead to many other discoveries of life in harsh environments in the future.

Nature of Science Themes: Science is based on evidence. The researchers found took samples and tested them for microbes. This was evidence of life.
 Role of motivation and curiousity: When the scientists discovered this lake they were curious as to whether or not there was life in it. Without curiousity, there wouldn't have been a discovery.
Link to article:

Further Reading:

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