Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Magnificent new beetle discoveries

An expedition in the Ningxia Autonomous Region, China, on February 25th, 2013 revealed four new species of rove beetles. The area in which these beetles were found is said to have a desert-like climate, but contained a vast biodiversity of organisms. Within rove beetle family, the subspecies are considered to be of a great interest in studying. Dr. Liang Tang from the Department of Biology, Shanghai Normal University, noted that the region in which these beetles were found is said to be barely observed, with the most recent discovery since 2008.

With the current known information about these colorful insects, it is said that these Rove beetles are able to glide across the surface of water through an evolutionary adaptation. These beetles secret a liquid from special glands that reduce surface tension, which allows for better mobility on the water. Another interesting known fact about these beetles is their unique ability to hunt prey. Rove beetles from the species that were discovered have been observed to catch their prey by releasing mouth parts that contain a sticky glue witch attaches to the prey and holds them down. If scientists continue to explore more of these unmarked territories, then more fascinating finds such as these rove beetles can help fill in the missing links within beetle behavior and adaptation.

NOS themes:
  • Science is collaborative- It took a team of scientists and years of research to verify that these were indeed new species.
  • Role of motivation and curiosity- The team of scientists were motivated enough to venture into unkown land and discover something new.
  • Person's view and experience can influence data- With the research that was conducted, new information can impact the way we study and view these marvels of nature.

Link to article:

Further information currently known about rove beetles: http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/misc/beetles/rove_beetles.htm

1 comment:

  1. I've never really thought beetles were capable of such adaptation. I find it very fascinating how they are able to glide through the water by reducing surface tension with their specialized feature. I always thought they were just incredibley quick with their legs and their movement is what allowed them to move so fast.


    I found this article regarding beetles and surface tension. I find it pretty amazing how scientists were able to design this 'mini boat' based on a characteristic that beetles use!
