Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Life is extra-terrestrial?

Studies show that outer space is the perfect atmosphere for building dipeptides. These molecules were probably on a comet or meteorite which then collided with the earth, thus bringing the proteins and enzymes necessary to life.


NOS Themes:
1. Science is based on evidence.
2. Role of chance
3. Role of motivation and curiosty


  1. I disagree with this post, because there may be studies and information showing how life originatd on earth with the given materials and matter, but what about before? We recently learned about cell theory stating how cells can arise from pre-existing cells. According to an Answers in genesis article, Only present information found in the DNA of living things allow them to reproduce, and with just one missing piece the organism will cease to survive. It is only logical to reason that the information currently present in all organisma allows them to reproduce after its own kind, or species. Which is why we do not see macroevolution, but rather we observe micro evolution.

  2. Krysia and Anthony, I agree with both of your posts. I do belive that life could have started from an asteroid, or it could have originated on earth but scientists have no idea.
    Link: http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/question.php?number=125

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I fully agree with the original statement, that life arrived from outer space. There are both right and left sided Amino acids, and their is a differing relationship they need to form a protein. There is a 9.09-33, or a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000909 chance of a extremely basic protein forming by natural processes. To form basic life you need several proteins to form, and then have them survive in extreme conditions and reproduce. Also Anthony, you are basing your logic on a theory, which can be disproved if more information is added, and is not solid information. It is entirely possible that there is more fact to be considered that we don't know about.

      A team of french scientists did work together and attempted to produce an excess of right or left based molecules in the same conditions as interstellar space. After the residues were examined and tested, they contained an excess of a chiral from of the protein alanine. The excess was only 1.3%, but that matches a what has been found in meteorites. The production of small chiral forms from a substance that contained no chiral forms to begin with is considered proof that interstellar origins of chirality and thus the building blocks of life.


  4. I don't really know how I can agree or disagree with this artical. I certainly don't know the answer. On one side, we know specific types of bacteria can survive in the harshest places on earth like the bottom of the mariana trench, Ice cores in antarctica, and bubling mud pools in yellowstone. Why not outer space? We do know that certain types of bacteria can go dormant for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Some bacteria dont need the sun or anything except some minerals that they digest through fermentation. On the other side, We dont know where these amino acids and sugars came from so we cant determine if all life truly does come from other life. I don't know anything though so don't take my word for it.

  5. I fully agree with the original post, though the arguments for both sides do make sense. However, I believe that life must come from space, because even if life began on earth, the earth itself was formed in space, supposedly around 4.5-.6 billion years ago (Source 1 below). So either way, if life began on earth or on meteors, the basic point remains the same. However, it is still possible that life could have began on earth, because most life can only exist in certain conditions (atmosphere, water), such as those of the planet we currently live on. On the other hand of this, though, it is possible that meteors carrying life struck many celestial bodies, and only the ones that could possibly support life are the ones that can and do now.
    Source 1: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/dalrymple/scientific_age_earth.html
