Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cushion Plants Help Other Plants Survive

Scientists in Sweden have recently discovered a new species, cushion plants. These species grow in harsh environments like the arctic, major alpine, and sub-Antarctic regions. The cushion plants allow other plants to live in these extreme conditions. They create protective environments in the extreme conditions for other plants can grow. Cushion plants have increased biodiversity across the world.

NOS themes:

1. Science is collaborative
2. Science is based on evidence
3. Role of credibility
4. Importance of repeatability
5. Role of motivation and curiosity

Link: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/02/130218092545.htm


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This seems like a very interesting article. I've got a question for you. Is the relationship between cushion plants and the other organisms mutualism or commensalism? The organisms in the extreme environment are definitely benefiting from this relationship, as you've stated, but are the cushion plants also benefiting or are they unaffected?
    I looked at your article and it says that cushion plants are only found in colder climates. Does this mean that cushion plants would not be able to help organisms survive in an extremely hot climate?

  3. I find this very interesting and would also like to know what the relationship type is. Another thing I would like to know is what exactly the cushion plant does for the other plants. Does it increase temperature of itself so other plants can survive nearby it or does it produce food for other organisms. Does it melt snow and unfreeze the ground so other plants can grow and have water?
    I know these plants help other plants but the sites I have checked along with yours do not say how they help.
