Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Glasses for the Colorblind

Until recently, it was thought that the reason humans evolved the ability to see in color was so that they could spot fruit and vegetables in the forest.  In 2006 a new hypothesis was also introduced by Mark Changizi.  He thinks that color vision came about so that we could percieve oxygenation levels in the skin of other people and therefore detect social cues and emotions.

New glasses called O2Amps have now been developed which visually enhance oxygenated blood and blood pooling.  These glasses have begun to go through trials and have seen positive results.  They can be used medically to help identify veins and bruising that might be hard to see with the naked eye.

The glasses have also been distributed to people with colorblindness.  The researchers were specifically interested in looking at red-green deficiency.So far there have been positive reviews, including people who failed tests of colorblindnesswithout the glasses but with the glasses got everything right.  However, there is a negative side to these glasses.  Theyhinder the perception of yellows and blues, and they do not completely correct color blindness.
Themes of nature of science:
Science is collaborative:  a team of people worked to create these glasses.
Science is subject to debate and tentative:  Why humans have the ability to see in color has not been proven.  Also, science is tentative because new developments could be made to improve the glasses.
Role of motivation and curiousity:  These glasses would not have been created if Changizi hadn't wondered if there could be a different reason behind colored sight.
This sight is a common test for colorblindness:
Rebecka Miller

1 comment:

  1. This article was super fascinating for me because my family deals with a history with being colorblind! It was surprising to hear Dr. Mark Changizi's new hypothesis saying that color vision came about so that we could pick out oxygenation levels in the skin of other people and therefore identify social cues and emotions! I have never thought of colorblind being defined like that! I think that a new Nature of Science theme should be added to your list from your article. I think that "science is based on evidence" is an important theme because in Dr. Mark Changizi's experiment, he began trials with the new O2Amps glasses and gave them to people with colorblindness and medical workers to see how well they perform. Researchers then gathered information from each group which became evidence stating that the O2Amps can be used medically to help identify veins and bruising that might be difficult to see with the bare eye. The researchers also concluded that the O2Amps helped patients with colorblindness with red-green deficiency, but does not help totally with yellow-blue deficiency. All of these trials created evidence helping Dr. Mark Changizi create his final conclusion compared to his original hypothesis.
