Thursday, February 14, 2013

Stopping Cold: Scientists Turn Off the Ability to Feel Cold

In David McKemy's report "Stopping Cold" scientists found a way to turn off the feeling of cold in test mice.  Currently there are drugs that can turn off all the senses in humans body, but this is the first time that scientists have been able to turn off just one sense and leave the other senses intact.

McKemy previously discover a link between a protein called TRPM8 and the experience of cold.  He then conducted an experiment were half the mice had TRPM8, and the other half didn't.  The mice that had the protein  reacted to both the cold and the heat.  The mice that did not half the protein reacted to the heat, but did not react to the cold at all, no matter how chilly.


N. O. S. Themes

Science is collaborative:  I took many scientists and lost of research in order to find out how to turn off the feeling of cold.

Role of motivation and curiosity:  Scientists hope to change future drugs by using the ability to numb only one sense at a time.

Work Cited

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