Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Light Sabers Protect the Otherwise Vulnerable

In the deep water of the Atlantic Ocean, there is a shark with a strange adaption of a light up spine that helps keep predators away. The sharks name is the Velvet Belly Lantern Shark, so named for velvet colored belly that lights up and looks like a lantern. They live mainly at the bottom of the ocean and feed mostly on small sea animals like Krill because they are fairly small themselves. The dark colored stomachs and spines help to disguise the shark from the prey below and the predators above. The spine is lite up by photophores which get the signal for how much light it should produce by a light sensitive spot on its head.

The sharks have the lights on both their stomach and their back. The "lightsaber" back warns the sharks predators that they might possibly be dangerous or poisonous and that they might have trouble getting down the two spines affect that the lights create. Scientists are still working on this theory, and if it were true they would be the first fish to use bioluminescence to ward off predators. The glowing cells on the bottom of the shark help it to blend into the water by mimicking the amount of light the sun is giving into the water. With this affect they don't really cast a shadow that prey could use to sense danger and the predators to sense food.

This shark has amazing adaptions that allow it to disappear from sight and ward off potential predators. This video clip that I found really helps to covey the Velvet Belly Lantern Shark in its best light.

Themes Of Nature Of Science:

  • Science is collaborative. This research has been tested by many other sources in the science community.
  • Science is based on evidence. This research is based on real fish and the data they found was based off of research the scientist had done.
  • Role of motivation and curiosity. This research occurred solely on their interest in these exotic sharks.

Website: http://www.livescience.com/27290-glowing-shark-spines.html

Related Websites:

  • http://imaginature.com/velvet-belly-lantern-shark-facts-2/
  • http://www.geekosystem.com/sharks-armed-with-lightsabers-now/
By: Julia Schroeck
Gable/ Hour 2

1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting. It is cool that this shark is able to have adaptations that may ward off predators by glowing. I have never heard of anything like this. I know that there are some cuttlefish that can ward off predators and attract mates by changing colors. I wonder how many more types of strange, amazing sea creatures that humans have yet to discover.
