Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sea Turtles and Their Environment

Green Sea Turtles are herbivorous species of sea turtles, meaning they eat mostly on sea grasses and algae. Nesting beaches, open ocean, and  shallow water are their main habitats. Recently, scientists researching the green sea turtles have found evidence that the protection site set up for these turtles are being used. Sea turtles are on the endangered species list and it is very important to maintain their different habitats. The scientists have tagged several turtles to track where they travel to after the mating season that usually is in June and July. They have found exactly where they go and they are pleased because they found that the protection sites that they set up are, in fact, being used.

According to one scientist "this type of scientific information is vital for understanding whether conservation measures are effective." Knowing whether or not the measures are very important because we cannot protect the animals if we are not quite sure where the animals are. Protection will allow this majestic animal to continue to be on our planet for hundreds of years to come.

Themes Of Nature Of Science:
  • Science is based on evidence
  • Role of credibility
  • Importance of repeatability
Related Articles:

By Julia Schroeck, Hour 2 Gabel


  1. It is so good to know that conservation efforts are being used and are effective! Turtles need the protection, and it is lucky for both humans trying to help and the turtles are able to benefit from this! Here is another article about effective ways of conservation of wildlife.

  2. This is such an interesting article!I agree Lexi, it is great to see the action being taken to save these herbivores. Sea turtles are on the endangered species list and it is very important to maintain their different habitats. Here is an organization that is granted solely to preserve sea turtles.

  3. This was a great article and I'm glad we have ways to protect the turtles! I was wondering what kind of impact sea turtles have on the environment and what would change if sea turtles were to go extinct. Here's the article I read that explained what sea turtles do and would happen if they weren't here anymore:
