Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A benefit of global warming?

Global warming has and will continue to contribute to rising sea levels, population changes, and altered weather patterns. In part, these changes are due to all of the carbon dioxide that we pump into our air. Carbon dioxide increases the acidity of water, and can make conditions unlivable for fish and other sea life. But a new study conducted by scientists at the University of California have realized a possible benefit of high acidity in water. After conducting an experiment, they concluded many organisms such as plankton can actually benefit from high acidity in the water. The acidity helps to grow larger protective shells and other body parts necessary for their survival. It does make the growth occur at a less rapid rate. Please let me know if you think benefits like this are worth the effects of global warming in the comments below!

Link to Article:

NOS themes:

  • Science is based on evidence.
  • Role of motivation and curiosity
  • Science is collaborative 

1 comment:

  1. I believe that the benefits of global warming DO NOT out way the negatives. Climate change is altering key habitat elements that are critical to wildlife's survival and putting natural resources in jeopardy. It's destroying habitats causing the death of many other species.

