Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Medical First

In Barcelona a medical first occurred when Dr. Paolo Macchiarini transplanted a new windpipe in Claudia Castillo who had serve tuberculosis, and could not even walk without shortness of breath.  The transplant was done using a donor windpipe and Castillo’s stem cells from her bone marrow.  Castillo says she is filling fine and is doing what she loves.  This surgery isn’t only remarkable because it is the first ever windpipe transplant, but because they used stem cells to grow the new windpipe and because they used Castillo’s cells she won’t have to take immunosuppressive drugs.  This surgery is a major step forward in the use of stem cells, and if it works there will be no wait list for organs.
NOS Theme(s):
1.      Role of motivation and curiosity

1 comment:

  1. This was a very interesting article. I was wondering why Claudia Castillo needed a donor windpipe even though they grew her one using her stem cells. I found another article about her, and it said that they removed the donor's cells from the windpipe which left only structural tissues, then they replaced all of the donor's cells with Claudia's cells.
