Sunday, March 24, 2013

New Drug to Combat Malaria

Researchers at the University of South Florida found a new drug ELQ-300 that has the potential to cure malaria as well as stop the transmission from mosquito to human. Malaria kills nearly one million people every year in mostly poor developing tropical countries. This drug is astonishing the medical community because it not only cures the disease but also helps prevent it. Researchers have said their is a potential for eradicating the disease. Most anti-malaria drugs will target the mitochondria in human cells as well as the malaria virus. However researches at USF are fine tuning the drug ELQ-300 so it only targets the virus. Another benefit to this drug is that it requires a low dosage and hence a lower cost to the people who need it.

Themes of the nature of science:

  • Science is collaborative- many researchers at USF and around the world have pooled their resources together to create this drug.
  • Science is based on Evidence- Their is substantial evidence that suggest the potential of this drug.
  • Motivation and Curiosity- Researchers want to create this drug so they can help the millions of people affected by this drug every year.

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