Saturday, March 23, 2013

Scientists Develop Twists to DNA Nanotechnology

Scientists have developed a way to make new interesting 2-D and 3-D shapes by folding and twisting DNA. This is called DNA nanotechnology. DNA has interesting structural attributes that make the process of folding DNA into different shapes.
DNA is a double-helix in structure with two strands running in opposite directions connected by hydrogen bonds. There is a structure called the Holliday junction, which allows two different strands of DNA to meet and exchange genetic information. The Holliday junction is used in meiosis and allows for genetic diversity among species.
The Yan lab, headed by Hao Yan of Arizona State University inserted DNA into a virus and made it produce a single strand of DNA which is folded together. Smaller strands of DNA are created to bond to the folded DNA and lock it into place.
This new field of nanotechnology could have many different practical applications such as creating structures to deliver medications more efficiently.
NOS themes:

  • Science is collaborative- many different people from different institutes and universities worked together to discover this
  • Role of motivation and curiosity

1 comment:

  1. DNA nanotechnology has a ton of uses and applications in several fields. It offers a new field of biomedicine, with the physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials such as polymers, semiconductors, and other metals give significant advantages for various applications. It has effected researchers from physics, chemistry, materials science, computer science, and mostly biology and getting the fields to come together and work for a common goal in nanotechnology. The forefront of nanomedicine is the attempt to diagnose, treat, and destroy cancer cells. Nanotechnology offers several alternative solutions to prevent health cell loss from chemotherapy or radiation treatment.
