Thursday, May 9, 2013

Drinking a lot of Tea: Harmful or Helpful?

Doctors and scientists have been working together to find out whether the polyphenol content of green tea has antioxidant properties that can help prevent cancer, as well as keep other diseases at bay. They are also working to prove that drinking tea will increase people’s endurance while exercising but speeding up the body’s fat metabolism. Although they think that tea has many beneficial health benefits, there could also be some dangers of drinking too much tea, and suggest that people talk to their doctors before consuming an unfamiliar amount of tea.  Because of the strong binding activities of tea polyphenols and the caffeine content doctors are worried that too much tea can cause nutritional and other problems. There is no solid evidence on whether there consumption of tea could be harmful or helpful, but I think with the right amount it can be beneficial.
NOS themes:
Science is collaborative: Doctors and scientists are working together to figure it out.
Science is based on evidence: They are doing many different tests to find the effects of tea.


  1. Many people drink tea every day. The researchers must have wanted to know what effect that had on the drinkers. Therefore another NOS theme I found is curiosity. The researchers thought they could raise public awareness of good health through tea.

  2. This was a very since i like to drink tea. Though i found a website that listed benefits in drinking tea like how it contains antioxidants and Tea may reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.

  3. Similar to many of medicines and vitamins we see, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Similar to medicines, your body can only handle and process a certain amount at a time. So the researchers used evidence of the effects of other 'good' things to see if the 'good' things in tea will also have a dark side.

  4. I read in an article that drinking excessive amounts of green tea can affect iron absorption in your digestive system causing anemia. But I think you'd have to drink a lot of tea for that to happen( more than 6 cups a day). Here's the article's link:

  5. This article is pretty interesting. I did further research on this topic and discovered that the amount of intake of tea is what causes the difference of tea being good or bad. Research shows that if a woman has more than 4 cups of tea a day, the chances of developing rheumatoid arthritis increases. But, tea can also be good! Drinking tea can reduce the chances of getting type 2 diabetes by 25 percent if three or four cups are consumed a day. Studies also show that drinking one cup of tea a day could also help to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.
