The article that I read was about apes and how they get emotional over gambling games. Researchers from Yale and Duke wanted to know if apes got angry about losing just like humans do. They found that when a ape made a bet that didn't pay off they would often try to change their bet so that they wouldn't lose food, or whatever they were using to bet with. The researchers actually did this experiment on 2 different types of apes, chimpanzees and bonobos. They found that the chimps were more patient and also more likely to take risks than bonobos were. Some of the emotions that the researchers saw were pouts, moans, scratching, and banging, just like some humans do. So based on what they saw the researchers concluded that apes get emotional just like humans do.
NOS Themes:
1) Science is collaborative - Scientists from Yale and Duke worked on this experiment.
2) Importance of Repeatability - Scientists repeated this experiment on many apes.
I think that this is hilarious, that apes react in the same uncontrollable way in which humans do. I personally hate losing at games and often express the same emotions as the apes did, pouting and banging! Monkeys are funny animals, and have proven to be similar to humans in many ways. It seems that humans are not the only creatures with bad sportsmanship.